Originally Posted by Polly
Irena thank you for sharing your experience, we are also doing private evaluations, hopefully we will make some progress that way. I’m so happy to hear that the two outside evals you did made a difference. How did the evaluators determine writing grade level? Were there particular tests?

The evaluations to which I referred were evaluations done by occupational therapists. They did not give me grade levels, they gave me age-levels. According to the evals, at 5 years old, DS had the writing and fine motor skills of a 3 year old. At 6, his evals came back as 4 year old, at 7 I believe his age equivalent was 4.8. He also did a few Bender Gestalt tests and a few Berry Visual Motor test - they gave percentiles, and if I remember correctly age norms, and he was consistently deplorably low on those as well - no matter how much therapy he gets. He came back grade level for some writing tests the school psych gave, *of course* wink (said sarcastically).