I didn't start the post, just added...
Aline wrote: Brearley is a terrific school. Yes, Brearley is a terrific school but DD has a 9/28 DOB. She can enter kindergarten in the public system and St. Ann's would take her, but most private, including all top Manhattan ones, have a firm 9/1 cut-off and many will not take summer birthdates, wanting them to wait. Waiting is not an option for a gifted kid.
What I find interesting is that we don't responses from people whose children are through the process. Would be nice to see how kids from this forum went through college applications and the result.
What I wrote was from the Hunter High School newspaper article I read. It showed that generally 9.something% got into Harvard every year. This year was the first year it went down to 7.1%. It showed all schools applied to and previous % and this year. They were all down a few percentage points.