Originally Posted by Kriston
By college, I think it's less important to be surrounded by brilliant people and more important to be surrounded by people who want to learn.

This is why I liked Oxy - my classmates wanted to learn, were bright, and not pretentious. I was told that economic snobbery exists there, but I didn't see it. Perhaps I was oblivious. I was paying my own way and more focused on getting my money's worth.

Originally Posted by Kriston
IMHO, if you want to run for president, then you'd better be at an Ivy! :p If not, then find a place that suits your interests and personality. Ignore the hype.

In my own experience, I saw a similar privileged attitude among many of my fellow students at the expensive SPLA school I attended for my undergrad years. It's just a theory, but I suspect that at most universities, the price tag is inversely proportional to the attitude...

There's definitely ego and a sense of entitlement where I go to school now. I wonder if that's law school in general. Shrug. I don't have time to associate with fellow classmates that rub me the wrong way. Besides, snobbery makes me wrinkle my nose in displeasure.