I think it all depends on the college experience you want. DH went to Harvard for undergrad and they were the happiest years of his life, before DD of course.

I am Canadian and I went to the University of Western Ontario. It is a top school in Canada, a big school with a great football team -- lots of parties. We didn't know from a liberal arts college type of experience in Canada. You went to a university. And after two years, you could apply to medical, dental or law school. They did not choose many after two years, but it was standard to apply and the universities had the standards for those applications and the course requirements.

(Here's where I shoot myself in the foot) I think the world is changing and the chance to get to good doctoral programs will require more focused and advanced grounding, in schools that have the money for research, for great professors. Just like the crazy NYC experience. Her preschool doesn't guarantee her a spot in a good ongoing school but it is amazing how many private schools have great admission rates to certain top colleges. This one to Harvard, this one to Yale. You look at the lists and you have a peer group that applies and wants to go to top schools. And those kids are ones that will also want to do well. Unlike my party peer group.

I can justify any college experience, but I would like DD to have a high bar to challenge her, since she has the gifts to go for it. Yes, it will cost me $500K to put her through Harvard. And another $500K to put her through a professional school. But we have one child and we have the funds. And DH is doing fundraising in his class and giving generously at those every 5 year reunions to position our little legacy in another dozen years. She already enjoys going to the Harvard club for dinner and parties.

So yes, I would like her to go to Harvard. It may not guarantee her life success, but I would like her in a peer group that keeps her motivated and challenged and there is more probability at Harvard, where there is always someone smarter and will make you think.
