I didn't think discussion was an indication of some long range college plan. I thought this was my way of procrastinating from working.
And it reminded me of that bread at Yale, had a big debate with Andy Rooney on that being the best bread ever. It was so delicious.
So, my immediate plans are kindergarten applications next fall and my school plan for kindergarten, not college. Yes, I have a school plan, have toured schools last fall and made a priority list. Though because of private school limitations, I do not have the crazed first 10 minutes of workday, after labor day, of calling for applications. Yes, people really do that. By 10 am all applications are gone. Trinity expects them back that afternoon or you don't even get an interview for the 2 spots they have open for non legacy kids.
But I do think the crazy NYC school situation does make you crazy thinking if it is this bad for kindergarten what is it going to be like for college.
Enough procrastinating. Must do the report I really do not feel like doing.
Have a nice relaxing day everyone and I hope no one has tornados at the doorstop. This is really crazy weather.