Originally Posted by polarbear
This is another reason I love this board and love having others share their experiences. For all the awareness that I have about DCD and my ds' challenges, I never until reading this put together his dislike of swimming lessons as being related to coordination challenges, don't ask me why! Now that you mention it, it totally fits with what he's told me about his struggles with swimming lessons.

Oh yes! Veyr related. For my ds, coordinating on each side of his body isn't nearly as much of an issue as coordinating arms and legs... He could not kick his legs while doing the arm strokes (and vice versa) because he could not coordinate two different movements on the top half and lower half of his body. Poor guy was so determined to swim and so frustrated. The therapy helped, as well as one-on-one swimming lessons (and tremendous determination in his part with me supoporting it - i.e. making swimming proactice almost as high as a priority as sleep - seriously.) Now, will he swim the olympics? No. Will he be on swim team? I doubt it. But he'll be able to actually swim, compentently. The other thing I am doing is doing the lessons year round. His instructor says it looks like he'll be able to go on to group lessons in a month or so. smile

I am not sure if the tomatis helped. I really do not know. And now they want him to do at least one intensive of IM. My DH thinks the "listening therapy" part is crap. I'll probably have him do it b/c if it can't hurt and there is a chance it could help, I can't help but do it. I do think whatever the exercises they have him doing while he is doing the tomatis/IM is helping, though!