Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
The best thing I did for myself and writing is dropping lower case letters some time in HS. The upper case letter forms are much easier to remember and distinguish versus the mass of same basic instruction lower case. Seriously: a, b, d, p, q, g,(sometimes also h, r, j, e, c get squashed in); line and a curve, got it. Where do you start the circle, do you do the line before the circle, is it always a circle or is it sometimes more of a c? can I retrace the lines or do I have to pick-up the pencil each time?... etc.

This is a really interesting tip - fwiw, I went to an engineering school and most folks there dropped caps once we'd taken our first-semester drafting course, because in drafting you only use caps smile

There are also a few forms of "new" handwriting that combine cursive and printing - they leave out all the fancy loop-de-loops etc, and it looks basically like printing but with connecting lines. I'll try to see if I can find a link to info on it - I first heard about it on NPR, but also have read about it with respect to a simplified way for dysgraphics to learn handwriting.
