I chose in the early years. Also, some things were winter and some summer, because we went to the beach and there were other options.

Swimming was a must, safety since we were on the ocean for the summer. Tennis, Sailing, nature camps where she learned to kayak.
Early soccer, though she was not that interested and time ran out. Ballet, gymnastics, chess in school, piano, Chinese school.

Then piano was really pushed but then she didn't love it. When it was expected that she start competition we made the choice to back off and do regular piano, just to keep it up. This is her main talent so it is hard to drop it completely. Many kids at this age get tired of the practicing. Dance became her focus but then ballet became 2X a week, with jazz and hip hop, at a pre professional program, but her choice.

So now it is dance, and acting as her choices, with piano keep up and Chinese as my requirements. She also dabbles with horseback riding and sailing but they are week long camps in the summer. And tennis.

I think there are dabble type of activities that work in the summer without full on commitment. Things to make social life easier when you get older. Like skiing and skating. Those are also sometimes activities.