Originally Posted by 1frugalmom
We did recently learn how important it is to determine which eye is your dominate eye when it comes to shooting. DD7 couldn't hit the broad side of a barn when she first started shooting. We just let her do what felt comfortable to her, and she held the gun right-handed. As soon as we figured out she was left eye dominate and had her switch to a left handed hold, she improved tremendously.

Yep. I was somewhere around 10-12 when my stepdad took us out to the range with his .22 rifle, and for safety's sake he insisted on holding it, but let us aim and fire. As the only left-dominant shooter in the bunch (and right-handed to boot, so nobody would ever suspect), I was laughably atrocious at it... though I did come ever so close to the target on the far right when I aimed at the one on the far left.