Our DD's haven't had a choice about doing or not doing EC's yet. They have to try it and know we expect them to see it through to the end whether they end up liking whatever it is or not. We will give them options when they are older and can make more wise, informed decisions on what they want to do.

Our area has recreational sports and they will continue to play soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, and do summer swim team. We have also done trampoline and tumbling/dance. These were both a bit on the expensive side and less convenient to get the girls to, so they just sort of faded out of our schedule. We tried jujitsu and only lasted one session. The girls liked it until the instructor started teaching painful moves where you twist your opponent's wrist back until they say "yame" and give up. We were okay with not continuing jujitsu because as we sat through the classes we could see it written all over their faces - they were not having fun anymore and were dreading sparring time. Our younger DD even started to have anxiety about going and you could tell she was holding back tears when another kid would do the wrist-twist move.

DD9 tried out for a children's musical when she was about 6-7 years old and didn't get a part because she wouldn't speak up and play up the little things they asked them to do. DD later said she wasn't comfortable around all the other kids she didn't know. She was very upset when she didn't get a part, and vowed to never try again. We told her she may change her mind and she couldn't just give up after one poor experience. DD7's turn came earlier this summer. She is the one always singing and dancing around the house, so we thought she would be excited to try out. We were wrong, she didn't want to. I sort of told her she had to try, okay, I really told her she didn't have an option and she was going to do it because I thought she would really like it. She ended up having a great time, did a wonderful job, and wants to do it again next year. She later thanked me and told me I was right. I know!!! LOL! She now lists acting as one of her hobbies - how funny is that!?!

We are getting ready to start our 2nd year of piano. It isn't their favorite thing to do, but we feel being able to read music and play an instrument is important. I'm sure they will thank us later when they are in the junior/senior high band and get to go on trips to play at interesting events.

We are also active in 4-H. This out of all the activities the girls are in, might benefit them the most in the long run. It teaches them so many things and has so many options for us to try and learn about.