0 for 3. Alas. And yes, plenty of eye roll.

1.) "We'd need a court ordered change of birth certificate to do that." On the plus side, the very nice counseling secretary copied DD's schedule, wrote the preferred name at the top, and said she'd email all her teachers to let them know. So that one was a win for practical purposes.

2.) "We actually have a lot of kids with prior experience in into Orchestra." They also have a well-defined process for working ahead, and changing would require a total rework of the schedule. Plus some horror story of kid with years of experience who could not play as part of an ensemble. I'm actually okay with this one, because DD needs ensemble experience. Would have asked for the change if we needed to rework for #3. Time will tell whether this is a win, but I'm not going to assume it was a total loss.

3.) An extremely polite and not-quite-sufficiently veiled "I'm sorry your kid isn't as smart as you'd like her to be." This from the principal, after the counselor said it was above her pay grade.

4.) I had a chance to ask the bus people (not the same as the school people) why DD's bus schedule appears to involve nearly 2.5 hours on the bus each day. "Oh, no, that would be against the law." Further investigation reveals that she actually has a 46 minute ride in the morning, and gets to school 25 minutes before school starts. She has a 50 minute ride in the afternoon, preceded by a 35 minute wait in the hallway.

On the plus side, DD's BFF was just leaving as we arrived, and we snagged her from her parents and made her hang with us. The girls roamed the school independently while I went around with my hat in hand.