Originally Posted by AlexsMom
Yep, and then you look like the pushy parent of the kid who's very smart - but not quite as smart as mom thinks.

DD's other parent is a much better teacher of math than I am, and generally a better teacher of DD (because DD and I are similar enough we butt heads). But when it comes to a block, I'm the one who needs to identify and resolve it, because DD goes wrong in such unusual ways that the similarity between us becomes a help, rather than a hindrance.

Oh, this is SO my DD and I... and sometimes, my DH.

Unfortunately (or is it fortunate?); she is a blend of both parents, but has my "learn by epiphany" thing in spades.

It's so aggravating. You reach a point where you aren't even sure that instruction and instructional materials ARE effective. At all.

It's frequently nothing-nothing-nothing-nothing- BANG... mastery.

It's been a real challenge to teach her things like "the writing process" and note-taking skills. They just aren't in her native lexicon as a learner, if that makes sense.

(I mention this in case you were wanting a preview into middle school and beyond.)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.