I really like HK's advice here - I think I'm going to use it on my own kiddos smile

I also wonder - what's your best guesstimate re where your dd's ultimate passions in life fall - do you think she's destined for math/sciences, or is she more into other things? If she's not really that into math/science, and is having a tougher time with the word problems than with the calculations, I'd be tempted to leave her in the level of math she's at and not push it. I'd wonder just a tiny bit if part of the "boring" things she's encountering in her math classes are having to deal with the challenge of translating word problems. I'm probably a bit biased in this respect as a mathematician/scientist, but I'd take the difficulty with word problems as a caution that she's perhaps not fully ready for an acceleration and wouldn't see it as something to be quickly remediated in two weeks.

I'm really happy that the school was willing to listen to you! Good luck to your dd smile


Last edited by polarbear; 07/29/13 02:21 PM.