Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
It's been a real challenge to teach her things like "the writing process" and note-taking skills.

OMG, "the writing process." We had that last year, with the fifth grade writing test. DD was staring at a blank piece of paper while everyone else happily wrote, during practice sessions in school. When I was studying for licensing exams, I tried doing practice essays, and not only did I spend most of my time starting blankly, but the auto-grader was giving me falling scores on the ones I was able to write. And I had no issues on the actual test, and got a high score. DD represented that she had no trouble writing on the actual test, but we won't have her scores until September or so.

I'm holding out hope that she won't have AP classes where notes are turned in for a grade. I've still never mastered the at of taking lecture notes. I tried for a while in college, because that was what you were supposed to do, but never managed to capture anything that was worth reviewing. If I could write something meaningful down, I already understood it, and if I didn't understand it, whatever I wrote down was worthless. As an adult, my notes from continuing education lectures are limited to "affects Client X," "this is incorrect," and "look this up." I'll take notes on reading if the concepts are too complex, or too fragmented, for me to understand by slow and diligent reading. But for straightforward material, it's already all right there - why waste time producing a less-useful version of it?

Last edited by AlexsMom; 08/03/13 03:27 PM. Reason: DYAC