Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
She is not a kid who likes to check her work.

Pretty sure that the hypothetical children who DO like to do so probably ought to be watched closely for development of future OCD.

Yes, indeed! That would be me. smile

I, also, have a twitch about not understanding word problems -- they were like icing on the cake to me. The part you save for last because it's the most fun.

But then DS came along, and I discovered that a basic understanding of the world really helps. Or, more accurately, a lack of understanding of the world really hurts. He was having a dreadful time with one, a couple of years ago, about a relay race, and we went over and over it until finally the lightbulb came on and I realized that he didn't know how a relay race worked. Once I drew him a picture, explained that this person runs around, and their lap takes this much time, then the next person runs around, and their lap takes this much time but we also add that to the first person's time for the total, and so on, there was no problem!

I find it hard to believe that most people's trouble with word problems comes from a lack of world understanding, but for some of our quirky ones, it could, indeed!

I'm going off now to find out what dimensional analysis is....