I'm trying to be excited and I'm hopeful, but I'm also worried.

We had a meeting, with this year's teachers and principal, at the end of last year for DD9. One teacher seemed very understanding and even excited to have DD in her class. She asked a lot of questions about what has worked and what hasn't, and even took notes. The other teacher - eh, not so much! She shuffled through some of the paperwork we brought in and sat with a scowl on her face. This other teacher has had DD in her class before and it was a bad combination! This was before the GIEP and before DD was even tested. So I guess I'm hopeful that this particular teacher will be more informed and understanding this time around. DD9 will have another "core subject" teacher that she also had last year and that was another bad combination. So it looks like we are going to be 1 out of 3 this year in terms of teachers for DD9.

DD7 will have two choices for 2nd grade - 1. the teacher DD9 had that did a good job in understanding differentiation and helped turn DD9's bad experience from 1st grade back around 2. a teacher that likes to do a lot of art projects and the like, and makes spelling errors whenever she sends out any emails or letters home. We aren't talking a typo every once in a while, which I could understand. Just use spell check or something please - it drives me crazy!