I am!!! My dd8 is going to have another stellar year at her TAG school. We ran into her teacher last week and they have a genuine connection. I love to see that!

My ds6, on the other hand, might not have such a great year. He is at the neighborhood public school. We had him signed up for a beautiful, new charter school with a wonderful philosophy. We were so excited about this school and then their lease fell through and they are moving 25 minutes away from our house in the opposite direction of dd's school. There is no way we can send him to the charter school and have a stress free year. We are considering doing K12 online school but I am not sure what the right thing to do is. The neighborhood school is a good school. It is filled with caring teachers and his upcoming teacher is a parent of gifted children, so she gets it. They will accelerate him into 2nd grade math.
We're in flux!