I am (tentatively) excited for DS's 4th grade year. It will be our second year in the charter school, and our first year with an IEP in place! We love the Spec. Ed. teacher(s) and the administration and nurse were all great last year. I am hopeful he gets good teachers again this year that are up for working with him! He's still not in the gifted program, but hopefully we can sort that out this year with the IEP in place. I'm also happy that they sort of re-organized the school so that 4th grade is on the side of the building with K-3rd, instead of the upper grades. (Last year one side was K-3, the other was 4-11, no 12th grade then... this year it's K-4 on one side, and 5-12 on the other.)

DD7 starts at the Charter school and I'm curious to see how it'll go for her. The charter school has seemed a bit ahead of the public school, academically, and DD7 is pretty hard-core ADHD, so we'll see how that goes. (Adderall to the rescue!)
