Well, the school hasn't even started and already had an issue today. Some of you might remember our dilemma regarding DS3.4 back in the spring how we pulled him out of school speech and occupational therapy because he was shutting down and it was driving him absolutely crazy ... and we declined the schools offer to put him in special ed preschool back then and same for the fall. The last convo I had with the special ed lady was that we will "revisit" the topic after the summer and that we might consider some of the therapy if we see fit but not the preschool ... and what do you know. Today, a knock on the door and a preschool bus driver came to introduce herself telling me she's the one who'll be driving DS3.4 to preschool. All I could say was ... what? preschool? when? where? huh? ... I felt so bad for her but so furious over the whole situation! Apparently he got signed up for preschool even though we didn't want it. Soooo, I emailed the special ed director that apparently there's some sort of misunderstanding because he is NOT going! I had to really hold back on what I wanted to write but it's the same lady that's putting together health accommodations for DS4.11 so I don't want to stir up too much drama ... but WHAT THE ???

Last edited by Mk13; 08/06/13 07:55 PM.