I think the soft skills are a problem of parenting. Soft skills are not part of IQ. A project manager on a construction site needs great soft skills, anyone running their own business.

Kids developed soft skills when they were given money and told to go to the store to buy some bread and milk. And they were 6 years old. They navigated their way, knew how to cross streets figure out how much money was left over for penny candy.

I learned how to read a map when I started school. I learned I could get anywhere from anywhere, I just had to figure it out. Now we have GPS. I don't have to look up a word in the dictionary or research in the library. I have the Internet.

In the park last week DD was climbing a tree and having a whining tantrum because she was having trouble. I said you have to figure it out. Place your foot where you have friction and some support, place your hands where you can pull yourself up. Try this place, if it doesn't work, but you have to figure it out. I was really tempted to help her into the tree but I thought I have to stop the helicopter stuff. She has to learn to how to figure out solutions for the little things. Climbing a tree isn't about IQ, it is about problem solving.

All those little things in childhood are about problem solving. All those things we have taken away as helicopter parents.
