Hmm, I like the example. It might seem abrasive, but the type of soft skills that Friedman was testing in the headlock manoeuvre are exactly the kinds of abilities a good I-banker needs: quick thinking, being able to behave appropriately within the politics of an organization, using the resources at hand (his wrestling acumen), grace under pressure...
It's also a great 3 second test for organizational fit. I hate to say it, but ibankers face considerably more workplace assault than that in a standard day. They have to have thick skin and roll with the punches.
Too bad a move like that would land Friedman in an assault lawsuit today. So much information could be gained that way in the blink of an eye. Instead, a psychologist would have to design that as an "assessment center" and waste tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars on set-up and interview slots with senior bankers.