Originally Posted by 22B
Originally Posted by aquinas
Originally Posted by 22B
We have never read to our children. I wonder if that is considered unusual around here.
DS would be apoplectic without books and reading as a family. We easily spend 2-3 hours each day, often more, reading at his behest. It is his greatest passion.
Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Originally Posted by 22B
We have never read to our children. I wonder if that is considered unusual around here.
I bet! Not even when they were tiny? Why not?
Originally Posted by ultramarina
We have never read to our children. I wonder if that is considered unusual around here.
Uh, yeah, I'll bite! You didn't read to them when they couldn't read??

That's right. They eventually taught themselves to read at age 2 or 3, so it turned out okay.

I'm still curious as to the reason why. Care to share?

What is to give light must endure burning.