I've always liked the Shoes books, by Noel Streatfeild. Theater Shoes, Ballet Shoes, Skating Shoes, etc.

If she likes the language of the classics and has the attention span for the bigger books, she might like those. They are classic, old, and British. I'm still waiting for my DD to get to where she will sit through them -- we just finished our first large chapter book with no pictures, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, and she was a bit worn out on it by the end. We're starting on The Wizard of Oz soon, after she fills up on books with more pictures again! smile

I second Half Magic -- that's still one of my favorites. The Night They Stole the Alphabet is in there, too -- can't recall author.

Beverly Cleary books, like The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Henry and Ribsy, Ramona the Brave.