My eldest was read to in the womb and daily from birth. She had no screen time a all until 2+ years and then very limited time. As far as I can tell it had absolutely no impact on helping her learn to read at all (extremely delayed reading)...

Second child we basically forgot to read to before 6 months, we were so overwhelmed dealing with both of them. By then she was old enough to have an opinion on being read to, which amounted to "no way in hell". She found the love of books a few months later but probably never had the same volume per day, just not interested in sitting around that long. She learned the alphabet at 2 (before her 4.5yrs older sister who was struggling so much, as a side product of our attempts to teach her sister). She was reading novels well before the age her older sister mastered the alphabet...

Youngest child, similar story to the 2nd, only she was later again in tolerating being read to (over 12 months) and at 3yrs old still rarely tolerates more than 1-2 books a day... But learned the alphabet at 18months and is learning to sound things out and spell (iPad). I'm guessing she'll read the earliest.

Book interest and exposure has had an almost inverse relationship to reading aloud in our house.... Which I'm pretty sure is not evidence of anything at all, other than my kids are odd, and different from each other...