Thanks everyone! Some fantastic ideas here!! Someone at work suggested the Enid Blyton faraway tree series and I hadn't considered them before because my son only discovered them when he was 6 (and quickly read the lot)! So we started with that last night and she is loving it. It is her first book without pictures other than Alice in Wonderland which we have listened to as an audiobook on our long commute to school pickup (my son is in an autism unit about 30mins away).

I told her when we started that there aren't any pictures but the words help you to make pictures in your head. She kind of brushed me off and said "don't worry mum, I can make pictures with my imagination!" She has asked me to read chapters at times other than bedtime, retelling bits of the story to her brother and asking in depth questions as we go, so it seems like it is the right level for her.

She will be starting school herself next term so will have lots of readers and picture books that she can borrow then. So I will focus on chapter books I think.