I have a 7yr old who has high functioning autism and loves reading. He has always shown an interest from birth and had a long attention span for books. So I kept buying him books, borrowing books and reading whenever we had the chance. He struggled with his reading at first and had a lot of problems with comprehension but then it just clicked. He is now reading well ahead if his peers, and has an hour of silent reading on his own every night.

This has freed me up to read with my daughter as she always had to sit and listen to whatever he wanted us to read before. We have now read through all her favourites several times over and she needs some new books on her shelf. She is 4yrs old and recently tested in the very superior range (despite having had to put up with her brother's needs often being met before hers). I would like to try and offer some more opportunity for language enrichment than I have has time for in the past and am after some good book suggestions. She is starting to read on her own but I am looking more for things I can read to her at bedtime, when my son is preoccupied with his books and I have some quality time for her.

She loves a lot of the language in the old classics, her favorites include any of the Beatrix Potter books, The Velveteen Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland. Books my son would never have been interested in as the language confused him. We have read a lot of Dr Suess as these were my son's favourites early on. She also loves the fancy nancy series with all the big words, which she will then quickly use in her own conversations soon after learning them.

While her scores were pretty consistent, her verbal IQ was quite impressive, and I would like to nurture it with some good children's books that might give her some of the extension she has been lacking. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.