hee - i came here to say the same thing!

i think i've learned to value both skills - it's quite a mixed bag round our house. my husband has the IQ, but not the EQ - i started life with no EQ at all, but realized early on that i had no friends and learned to cheat it. our kid seems to have been born with both IQ/EQ, almost to a fault - getting her to ease up on her EQ skills so she doesn't totally blend in (and devalue herself/brains in the process) is apparently going to be the challenge of my lifetime.

but i'd still love a meritocracy - mostly for my husband, who would love to just stop playing "the game" all the time and get on with it. and i guess for my kid, so she could just relax for a minute - it's probably a lot to manage for a 5-year old.

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 05/22/13 11:30 AM. Reason: total lack of punctuation/sense-making

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.