SialSL, I only wish I was deluded, I work with investors of all income levels and it seems to be a preoccupation of retaining wealth for the more wealthy.

Madeinuk, Universities are still a business (Not in the traditional sense) they compete for money, resources, talent, and students. You have some noble ideas, but the system in place will not support it. On government paying for higher education, I am not so sure about that. The current system for public education is broken, and no matter how much money is thrown at it, the system still does not work well.

Epoh, why is disparity a problem? Is there some unknown fairness issue, or do you believe that the rich get rich on the back of the poor? I would agree that great disparity can be used for political gain, by those that do not have wealth. BTW, love flat tax or consumption tax.

Dude, Good point about the WWII with the GI bill, timing can matter a lot. Glad we bought our home in the 90s, neighbor purchased in late 50s. Nice appreciation and great security. I wonder how much the percentages are for home ownership by decade. Loan availability is also a big part. Even credit cards opening up to the populace has affected the numbers. It’s never a very clear picture when comparing groups.

Jon, great article

Mark, Back to education and the mediocrity of our nation’s students. It’s funny that when I speak to the WWII generation how much more articulate and funny they are. Perhaps they read and wrote more and watched TV less. I have been reading about our nation’s founders and the depth of their understanding was incredible, but they were not the common man. I have also been reading a little of Ovid’s work from ancient Rome, funny some of same type of social problems today. Does this mean we should not try and improve things, no just that mediocrity is not a single time issue.