Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Where can money go with proven results.

Council Rock


Or, Camp Hill


Hey, look, a public high school valedictorian Nobel prize winner!

We have one of those local kids made VERY good, too!

My favorite bumper sticker of all time...

My kid won the Nobel Prize in Physics<-- real bumper sticker, as we've seen it around town and know who it belongs to.

DD says if she ever wins, she'll buy me a car to go with my bumper sticker. Since, you know... she can afford it then.

A green car. But not a real green car, that's cruel...

Seriously. We've had this conversation. Because that bumper sticker just delights us both. Almost as much as picking out awesome names for punk bands. Maybe Moral Turpitude is best reserved for a string quartet.


Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.