Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Originally Posted by epoh
I think part of the problem is that there's probably not anyone many on this board who has spent any real amount of time around anyone who is TRULY wealthy intelligent. The disparity in this country between the bottom 99.8% of the population and the top .2% is MASSIVE.

Mathematically, there is less difference between the plastic surgeon pulling down $1million after taxes typical valedictorian, and the person living at the poverty line the C student than there is between that plastic surgeon valedictorian and some of the folks in the top 0.2% in this country. That 0.2-0.1% hold a MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE amount of wealth giftedness. To the point that most people cannot even fathom it. It's literally beyond most people comprehension.

Somehow the percentages called this translation to mind.

I also *am* the valedictorian and the 0.1%.

I wonder if that sentence was grammatically correct.