Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
The two things are just different from one another in terms of intent-- IEP is about educational benefit to the individual student, and 504 is about making a level playing field so that the child has the same opportunities as unaffected peers. Many districts see IEP = "special ed, different classes/placement" and 504 = "everything else" in terms of qualifying student needs. That's not right, necessarily, but unless you have a diagnosis that is specifically on the list of qualifying conditions, with clear history that it results in IEP's in a variety of educational settings, well, then a 504 may be the most probable outcome. (Parents whose kids are on the spectrum may not be as aware of this since most districts automatically qualify kids on the spectrum for IEP's.)

Whether or not a 504 or an IEP would be a better solution for a situation like this can depend on the school district. Anxiety disorders qualify students in our school district for IEPs (under OHI), as well as ADHD and ASD. What services are offered under a 504 or an IEP also can very between school districts.
