I got word that the district has hired a para so DD will have someone scribing for her at school, hopefully starting soon. I'm not sure when the AT eval will happen. I certainly plan to have her work on the sight words and spelling - I just wish there was someone telling me the best/worst ways to approach it for her particular profile. We have an IEP meeting later this week with both the psych and neuropsych attending so hopefully I'll get some clearer direction.

NLD, dysgraphia, really low working memory, processing speed and visual perception, an ADHD-Inattentive diagnosis I don't necessarily agree with - I feel like her plate is full to overflowing. I think the sight words will be HUGE in helping with the reading difficulties so I really want to find a way for her to learn them without freaking her out. I see a lot of stumbling blocks with the spelling words too but also more ways to make learning them fun.

And Dude - the making change thing. The neuropsych explained that "she has no mental blackboard" so every time she has to do basic calculations she has to start from scratch.
