Maybe... maybe not. I'm curious to see how others weigh in on this.
My DS8 has outgrown some of his. He had aversion issues with sound like your son, but this has faded. His are mostly tactile seeking, vestibular and proprioceptive. He's still very active (driven, driven!!) but not nearly as likely to seek tactile feedback as he used to be.
His sensitivities now are mostly emotional (just like my DD9).
Actually, I just thought of one: his scalp is SO SENSITIVE. Brushing his hair is an ORDEAL. He's also THE most ticklish person on the planet (actually so am I - I can't be tickled without panicking and becoming defensively aggressive). Neither one of us have ever had an issue with clothing tags.
It's interesting because I'm also gifted and also have sensory issues... hmmm... I don't recall being a seeker, other than light. I neeeeeed light

I can't think straight if there's too much sound, and I have HUGE troubles with vestibular (can't stand heights, even something as simple as being on a horse, i.e. my feet off the ground, makes me queasy and panicky). If I ride an elevator to a high floor (20, 30), I can't step out of it onto the floor hallway without feeling like I'm going to fall down. It's as if my brain perceives the slightest shift in the floor levelness. I've never met anyone else who experiences this. Recently we were at a hotel that had wrap around balconies on the outside and the kids and I were on the balcony for the 9th floor - it was awful, lol. I felt like I was going to somehow fall off if I wasn't pressed up against the wall, as far from the railing as I could get. There's lots more... but anyway... you get the idea.
My son, meanwhile, can't pass the intro level of gymnastics (repeated many times) because he can't be upside down on the rings. WON'T do it. He's also having trouble passing his first level of swimming because he can't complete the skills required that involve his face in the water. "Can't" is a strong word... but... he just can't. Not yet.
All three of us (DS8, DD9 and myself) are really prone to car sickness. A friend of mine has a gifted son (17) who is the same. She said out of the blue one day "I bet that's a gifted thing. Gifted people get car sick."