Originally Posted by CCN
Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by CCN
All three of us (DS8, DD9 and myself) are really prone to car sickness. A friend of mine has a gifted son (17) who is the same. She said out of the blue one day "I bet that's a gifted thing. Gifted people get car sick."

Warning - a bit of humor about to happen, not intended to make fun CCN, but I can't resist smile Anyway, here goes: I used to have a beagle that got car sick. We couldn't take her anywhere in the car. She was a smart beagle but I'm fairly certain she wasn't gifted smile

LOL smile smile

I dunno.... the more I think about it... my sweet beagle *was* smart - what if she *was* PG and I never recognized it? Would she have learned to come quicker if I'd taken her to a highly gifted magnet training school instead of just trying to reward her with little tiny hot dog treats while we pranced around the ring at the average-every-day-ordinary dog school? Should I have home-schooled her instead? Was I insensitive to her car sickness and possibly other sensory needs? Oh oh oh oh.... the parental guilt... it just never ends!



Last edited by polarbear; 08/11/12 12:10 PM.