My 14 year old son had the problems with tags and socks. He always had a lot of empathy and could sense anxiety and sadness in other people. He would try to make them feel better by making them laugh. He had trouble with certain sounds like buzzing insects, the sound of a fork scraping against a plate, jangling keys, etc. He was afraid of heights, was afraid to walk up stairs without holding on to something. We were told that he had vestibular and proprioceptive issues.

As he got older he got better at hiding his sensory issues. I think it was probably in cub scouts that he learned it wasn't manly to show any sign of sensory issues so he kept his fears and anxiety about certain things a secret. Even though he was afraid of heights he climbed the climbing wall and he encountered a lot of insects at the overnight camps. He slept (well he didn't actually sleep) in a tent listening to howling coyotes. He pushed himself to do things he was uncomfortable with when he was around other boys. Musical theater helped him also. He learned to "act" like he wasn't bothered by anything and he learned the show must go on no matter how he felt.

He only got six weeks of OT for his sensory issues because our insurance wouldn't pay for it and he still outgrew some of his issues.

He outgrew his issues well enough that he is now able to endure 14 hours of pain every day in a scoliosis brace. I don't think clothing tags bother him any more.