Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by CCN
Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by CCN
All three of us (DS8, DD9 and myself) are really prone to car sickness. A friend of mine has a gifted son (17) who is the same. She said out of the blue one day "I bet that's a gifted thing. Gifted people get car sick."

Warning - a bit of humor about to happen, not intended to make fun CCN, but I can't resist smile Anyway, here goes: I used to have a beagle that got car sick. We couldn't take her anywhere in the car. She was a smart beagle but I'm fairly certain she wasn't gifted smile

LOL smile smile

I dunno.... the more I think about it... my sweet beagle *was* smart - what if she *was* PG and I never recognized it? Would she have learned to come quicker if I'd taken her to a highly gifted magnet training school instead of just trying to reward her with little tiny hot dog treats while we pranced around the ring at the average-every-day-ordinary dog school? Should I have home-schooled her instead? Was I insensitive to her car sickness and possibly other sensory needs? Oh oh oh oh.... the parental guilt... it just never ends!



Hmmm... You know, you may be on to something. My dog has sound sensory issues... he's terrified of wind and thunder... and he's pretty darn smart wink

Hey, we could start a HG magnet school for sensory dogs!! heh heh