Originally Posted by Isaiah09
Grinity, I feel like if I will be switching daycare's and schools all the time if I run away every time some ignorant person acts funny or makes a snide remark about how my son is. My main concern is his safety, however, I really am not sure what the best decision here is. I don't think anyone can be sure, so all I can do is follow my gut, pray and hope all goes well.
It takes time to develop that Mom-gut. And regrets are valuable experience. Once you know your child better, and how much of an impact this sort of thing makes, you'll have a more confident feeling. We can give you our own gut-reports, but each of us has a different kid, and different set of pros and cons. It is helpful to know what the 'electron cloud of possibilities' that gut-reports might possibly say to a certain point. It's also helpful to put your concern out and have it taken seriously. We care. But in the end you have to make your best guess. Please don't be too hard on yourself because you are still new at this. Have faith that you will develop in time. I also am still hoping that for this individual, all she needs is a firm boundary and some warmth to snap out of herself.

Love and More Love,

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