Thanks for your response Iucounu. I can see where you are coming from about saying something to this woman, quite honestly, I just felt like it was better to ignore her. She is the one acting like a child with no manners who has not been taught how to say excuse me. I didn't want to get down on her level. My sons teacher ignored her as well and she left probably feeling embarassed. I really didn't know what to say to her..I was surprised by how ridiculous she was acting.

She made that comment to my son and he ignored her, it didn't seem to hurt him any, and it showed that obviously she has a problem with him spelling at the level he is. I really get so tired of people like that projecting their feelings of inferiority and inadequacy on me and my child. Ignoring it is usually how I deal with it, unless I felt that he was in danger, and then I would definitely say something. All of this is just plain frusterating. She should be focused on finding her own kids gifts and developing them.