This woman is bad news and the other kids and some staff will pick up on those vibes and then your child may become "tainted" by this woman's nastiness.

I see that you will pull your son. That's great.

I would also consider putting up a review on yelp as well.

Originally Posted by Isaiah09
I am glad that you posted this. Having our gifted children go out and deal with the world instead of sheltering them is probably best.

Kids are helpless until they are young adults and have been carefully conditioned to the real world and armored with emotional defenses. A suitably prepared child would grow under such a woman and probably turn the tables and befriend her. BUT. Not until their early teens.

There are two worlds - one filled with love and support, and the other filled with vicious people like this woman. Leaving a sensitive child with a woman like this is like leaving a great dane puppy with a pit bull. Unless you are willing to go alpha wolf momma on this woman and put her in her place by making her fear your shadow, then you should move.

Last edited by Austin; 08/09/12 08:17 PM.