I am sure that many of you with gifted children have probably received remarks that seem sarcastic, passive agressive and seem to stem from jealousy in reference to your chld/children.

I am bringing this up because I have a son who is 2 years and 9 months and already reading at about a 7 year old level. He also taught himself sign language and loves to spell words to people everywhere we go.

This does not always get a positive reaction. He goes to a community center a few hours a week where he plays with other children and loves his teacher there. However, there is a woman who is part of the staff that has been acting very nasty towards my son. She is aware of his abilities and has children of her own. She is very competitive in nature and has stated that she doesn't like anyone doing better than her.

When I drop off my son and we are waiting in the lounge while I sign him in she always tries to talk to him but he wants nothing to do with her. He ignores her and won't even look at her but he'll talk to everyone else. Obviously there is something about her he does not care for.

The last time I dropped my son off and she tried talking to him, he ignored her as he always does and she said to him "ok you don't have to answer me, I bet you can spell the answer huh can't you" he continud to ignore her. I was shocked that she was making these sarcastic passive aggressive remarks to a 2 year old. I wondered if I should say anything or not.

Later that same day I was disgussing possible education plans for my son with the daycare teacher and we mentioned Montessori schools as a possiblity. This same woman interrupted our conversation and jumped in front of me to talk to the teacher without even acknowleging I was in the middle of a conversation. She then goes on to start saying negative things about Montessori schools. This behavior seems very petty and I believe it all stems from jealousy over my sons gift.

I have ignored her so far and my son ignores her as well. I'm sorry this post is so long. If you read all of this, how would you deal with this situation. Should I say anything about her behavior or just continue to ignore her?