Originally Posted by epoh
ADHD is an issue of part of the brain developing slower/slightly abnormal. Food does not fix this. Medication does not *fix* this. The individual effected has to learn methods to alter their behavior. That's the only fix. Some find that medicine helps them, some find a better diet and exercise helps them, and some persue neurofeedback.

I really hate to see quackery promoted on these boards. Gluten-free diets are only helpful to people that are sensitive/allergic to gluten. Dairy-free diets are only helpful to people that are sensitive/allergic to dairy. These things have NOTHING TO DO WITH ADHD or any other neurological issue.

I think this is an important point (and it just happens to align well with my abhorrence for misdiagnoses... sigh).

Food sensitivities can look like ADHD - so I think trying these diets can be helpful to rule these things out on your way to a correct diagnosis.

Epoh - when you say "slower" development, is that actually ADHD as well, or is that just developmental? To me the condition is only truly ADHD when there is a long term brain abnormality that isn't resolved with time and "catch up" development (but then again, I'm not a doctor - I could be wrong).

Take my son, for instance: he's just been assessed as not having CAPD, because he's outgrown his audio processing delays. He had an audio developmental delay, not the actual disorder. Is it the same for ADHD?