AlexsMom - I agree that food is a personal thing. I'm not here to preach. Everyone has to make their own choices/decisions; think for themselves; and do their own research and/or truth seeking. I didn't mean to offend anyone here.

I just read Healing Young Brains chapters on nutrition and toxicity and was shocked as well as what the NFT said. I had never thought about diet so extensively before. I don't think most people due today since our lives are usually busy.

I honestly didn't have an idea how diet was maybe a factor in my son's situation - which is most likely due to his genetic makeup/neurological wiring. There may be other parents on this site who don't know or would not have considered how someone's genetic makeup/neurological wiring may play affect a child and what cellular level or neurotransmitter level it may reach.

Like I said I'm a historian/librarian - my reasoning/thinking/perspective is quite different to scientists and let's leave it at that.

La Texican - exactly! I love Temple Grandin. Love the quote smile.