Originally Posted by epoh
Gluten-free diets are only helpful to people that are sensitive/allergic to gluten. Dairy-free diets are only helpful to people that are sensitive/allergic to dairy. These things have NOTHING TO DO WITH ADHD or any other neurological issue.

I second what epoh said above, as far as I know. I do know (from personal experience, parenting a daughter with severe and multiple allergies), that for a child who has food allergies or sensitivies (particularly a young child), exposure to foods that they are reactive to can lead to behavioral symptoms that *look* like ADHD.

Originally Posted by epoh
I really hate to see quackery promoted on these boards.

In my research for my dd with food allergies, I've read about quite a few special diets, but haven't ever heard of the diet mentioned above. As other posters mentioned, it didn't seem to make sense to me. OTOH, I don't think that the OP posted with the intention of promoting quackery, rather she posted about what one practioner had recommended for her one child. We can all choose to read or not read the post, and choose to ignore or think about or possibly follow the info on the post depending on how we personally feel about it. I do appreciate that someone takes the time to post about their parenting experiences, because the reality is, my dd who has multiple food allergies is much healthier and happier today than she would ever have been if I hadn't had the chance to be exposed to alternative ideas via other parents posting online. Oddly enough, the ideas that have helped my dd most were quite controversial 10 years ago yet within the past five years her very traditional mainstream allergists have started recommending them to their patients (after previously ridiculing me for simply asking what they thought about them when dd was very young).
