bzylzy, you exactly come to the point. Each time, I tried something unusual (mindmap, star wars flashcards, use of unusual fonts with dragons or so, ...), DW tells me that he needs linear learning, without any source of distraction ... Just pure black and white formula written on white paper. I do not find the force to "fight" against that, because there is no way that I can argue. But, the fact is that I succeed in making him work without too much fight and that I do not really care about the fact he actually records things in his brain or not ... I quite agree that he may learn better with no mixing, no mindmap, no fun, ... but in my mind the most important for him is pleasure doing things.

I feel like stealing JenSMP's topic. I hope she won't take offense ...

Last edited by raoulpetite; 04/16/12 01:42 PM.

Sorry for the English !