I don't know French.  I think this is the seven times table in French song.
Google "youtube + Chanson de multiplication"

I'm using this song in English.

My son can do this "skip-counting" with a number line.  (babel fish) Saut comptant utilisant une ligne de nombre.


And here's schoolhouse rock in English showing skip-counting on your fingers.

My son seems to be memorizing his addition facts by using addition to add larger numbers and money.  I guess the multiplication will be the same.  So next I will have him start filling in the "multiplication charts" on grid paper.  He knows several skip counting.  And doing the number line skip counting has given him the size of the numbers he's counting.  Then after he's filled in a few of the charts for a while I'll show him how to use the charts to do multi-digit multiplication.    I read online that they should be very solid with place value and multi-digit addition before multiplying the bigger numbers.  I read about this stuff a whole lot more than I teach this stuff, lol.  So I can know the next step. 

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar