Very interesting stuff there !
Thanks Grinity for the flashcards softs .. I guess I should use it myself to learn English ...

It is funny we did the same as Deonne but with soccer. It did work one day. We also started a book which should be the French equivalent for "multiplication the fun way". It seems to work. Today, I tried the mindmap way ... DS turned it into "Star Wars" icon

ANyway, it is a real struggle to get DS7 into multiplication facts. We also tried online games. But the results is always the same : what is known one day may be forgotten the next day in a completely randomized way. At the present time, 7*2 is 13 ! A month ago, it was defenitely 14 .. Sometimes, we are so desperate with making him memorizing multiplication facts that we wonder if it is not useless...

Last edited by raoulpetite; 04/12/12 03:45 PM.

Sorry for the English !