Just wondering, on the WISC does the Digit Span test more non-verbal and the Letter-Number Sequencing more verbal working memory? In other words, is this pretty much consistent with verbal v. non-verbal working memory on the SB-V?

I honestly haven't ruled out the possibility of ADD-Inattentive in my own mind, and in fact, I have always said that I think have undiagnosed ADD myself.

The frustrating thing is that I feel like I'm crazy to even keep pursuing this, but I've known there was something just not matching up ever since I saw her COGAT scores in 3rd grade. These scores are the main reason I had her tested on the WISC. Then, the ed psych says there's no LD since everything is at least average. I just understand that if we don't have accommodations in place, especially for dysgraphia, there will be a point we will run into a brick wall, i.e, AP English classes.