Grinity, thanks for asking. Overall, she is doing great - making straight A's and is in the top block for her school, and is the top academically in her class. She just placed 2nd in a county-wide speech contest. She is doing well socially other than typical 7th grade "girl drama," which is occuring mainly because some of the girls are jealous of her academic success. Her closest friends outside of school are gifted.

Her main struggles continue to be handwriting, spelling, careless mistakes in math (taking Algebra, and teacher assures me that she knows the concepts), and any time she has to write an essay without keyboarding. Overall, she continues to function in the school setting as HG+ even though she doesn't test it. (Funny thing, though, she does come out in the 4 range when I look at Ruf's levels.) But, I think with the information from the OT, combined with knowing what her low subtests were on the WISC and SB, the puzzle is beginning to make a lot more sense.

Last edited by revmom; 11/11/11 06:31 AM.