I don't know what to think about this or what to call it. PG-DS10 works hard in school and enjoys his days, friends, learning, etc. He does his HW, sometimes not in the mood but gets it done even if he procrastinates. If it's a writing or research assignment I know there will be much more whining, drama, stress, anxiety, procrastinating and crankiness. But those projects get done too. I've become more flexible about when and how he gets it done even though everyone says he needs more structure.
What he really hates are the reports and presentations. He doesn't mind giving oral reports and he is good at presenting but he just doesn't like doing any school work outside of school that takes any time and effort. (unless it's math or science fair) So, now he dragged out this Quarter long project, he did a little here and there but only at my prodding & hand-holding. He finished it this morning (the day it's due!), got up an hour early and knocked it out. Did he put any real effort into it? No, not really. Will he get an A on it? Probably, maybe a B if she's a really tough grader. Is this going to reinforce his slacker approach? Probably. Did he learn anything from the project other than following directions? No.
What do you do with a kid that doesn't want to do this stuff? He will build a complex world in Minecraft all night but ask for 5 measly sentences on the natural resources of Kentucky and he's ready to quit school!
Will it get better down the road? MG/HG-DD8 is so much more motivated to do her work and loves doing projects even though she has to work harder and doesn't get the high grades DS gets.

I'm mostly venting here but if you've BTDT I'd appreciate some input!