Originally Posted by remalew
That's the hope I have for my son, anyway... that eventually, he'll say "wow, this sounds so boring -- how can I make it more interesting and make it my own so that I am motivated to work on it?" And hopefully, I am helping him learn ways to do this...

he has done this on science projects and when he was younger we could do this more on other subjects but as he is getting older it's all "why do i have to do this"

as far as more in-depth work, etc. he does not want MORE work, he wants less work at home since he says he learned it in class already. i agree, HW is a drag! and I don't think he needs it. I think my DD needs it to reinforce what she is doing in school but he doesn't. So, what can you do? Anyone ever have a psych. write a HW exemption? it really does cause stress and anxiety! lol